Breast Reduction

What is Breast Reduction?

Breast reduction, known as reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure sought by individuals looking to decrease the size and volume of their breasts. This intervention involves the removal of excess breast tissue, fat, and skin, addressing physical discomfort such as back and neck pain associated with larger breasts. Beyond alleviating physical symptoms, breast reduction contributes to improved body image and increased self-confidence. The plastic surgeon reshapes and lifts the breasts during the procedure, creating a more proportionate and balanced appearance.  The procedure can also reduce the size of the areola—the darker skin around the nipple—with the ultimate goal of providing the woman with smaller, well-proportioned breasts in relation to the rest of her body.

Breast reduction surgery in Thane


Breast reduction techniques can vary, but a common procedure involves an incision that encircles the areola and extends downward from its lower edge to the breast crease beneath. This method removes excess glandular tissue, fat, and skin, repositioning the nipple and areola. The skin from both sides of the breast is then brought down and around the areola, creating the new breast contour. Liposuction may be employed to eliminate excess fat from the armpit area.

Typically, the nipples remain attached to their blood vessels and nerves, but in cases of very large or pendulous breasts, the nipples and areola might need complete removal and grafting to a higher position, resulting in potential loss of sensation in these areas.

In certain situations, techniques can be utilized to eliminate the vertical part of the scar. Additionally, when fat reduction is the primary goal, liposuction alone may be employed to reduce breast size, resulting in minimal scarring.


While a significant portion of the swelling and bruising typically diminishes within the initial week, it might require six weeks to three months for your breasts to fully settle into their new shape. Even after this period, the shape of your breasts may undergo fluctuations in response to hormonal shifts, weight variations, and pregnancy. The scars from breast reduction surgery take time to mature, gradually becoming less conspicuous and, in some cases, eventually fading into thin white lines. Among various plastic surgery procedures, breast reduction stands out for delivering prompt changes in body image. Comprehensive guidelines will be provided for gradually resuming your regular activities. Many women can typically resume work, social engagements, and exercise within approximately two weeks.